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How People Walk

Updated: Feb 2, 2021

It is interesting to observe people's trip patterns.

What encourages or discourages people to walk, the kind of trips they have to make and how small details can change the walking behaviour of a person within the given Infrastructure. The following observations were made from the numerous literatures available:

a) People will choose to walk a 10-minute trip or a ¼ mile to a destination and even longer (up to 20 minutes or a ½ mile) if the route is comfortable and safe or if the need is great.

b) People will choose to walk if the route is interesting.

c)The land use mix and its density influences whether people walk.

d) Pedestrians seek the most direct route. The lack of a safe, convenient, direct route may determine whether people walk or not.

e) Safety is paramount

f) People will create their own path.

g) The number of driveway crossings along a walkway is inversely proportional to the pedestrian’s perception of it as a desirable route.

h) Pedestrians like to be separated from moving traffic.

i) People will choose to walk if the walkway has sufficient capacity.

j) Pedestrians feel most comfortable in areas that have human scale in design elements..

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